Award Recipients - Project Sites

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Award Site: Mesa Police Department

Project Title: City of Mesa Police Department Collaborative Approach Toward Preventing Hate Crime

City: Mesa

Award: Fiscal Year 2021 Collaborative Approaches Toward Preventing and Addressing Hate Crime

Award Information

Award Site: Los Angeles Police Department

Project Title: Preventing and Addressing Anti-Asian Hate Crime: A Demonstration Project in Los Angeles

City: Los Angeles

Award: Fiscal Year 2021 Collaborative Approaches Toward Preventing and Addressing Hate Crime

Award Information

Award Site: San Jose Police Department

Project Title: BJA FY2021 Collaborative Approaches Toward Preventing and Addressing Hate Crime

City: San Jose

Award: Fiscal Year 2021 Collaborative Approaches Toward Preventing and Addressing Hate Crime

Award Information

Award Site: Maryland Office of the Attorney General

Project Title: Maryland Attorney General’s Hate Crimes Task Force: Collaborative Strategies for Addressing Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents

City: Baltimore

Award: Fiscal Year 2021 Collaborative Approaches Toward Preventing and Addressing Hate Crime

Award Information

Award Site: New Jersey Department of Law & Public Safety

Project Title: Bias Crimes Public Awareness Campaign

City: Trenton

Award: Fiscal Year 2021 Collaborative Approaches Toward Preventing and Addressing Hate Crime

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